4EU + Mini-grants at Charles University in Prague: open call

Charles University has announced recruitment for 4EU + research teams developing projects under all flagship programs:

Flagship 1: Health and Demographic Change in the Urban Environment

Flagship 2: Europe in a Changing World: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages

Flagship 3: Transforming science and society by advancing information, computing, and communication

Flagship 4: Biodiversity and Sustainability

The call for projects is mainly aimed at supporting research cooperation, but the submitted applications may also include research and educational activities or educational activities.

The submitted projects must meet the following conditions:

  • The applicant must be an employee of Charles University,
  • In addition to Charles University, the Project must include at least two 4EU + member universities: University of Warsaw (Poland), University of Heidelberg (Germany), Sorbonne University (France), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Milan (Italy). It is possible to add an additional partner from outside the 4EU + alliance, according to the rule: for three partners of the Alliance one additional partner from outside the Alliance can be added.
  • The action must be in line with the 4EU + mission and must be thematically linked to one of the 4EU + flagship programs,
  • The maximum amount that can be applied for is CZK 300,000 (approx. PLN 55,000). Indirect costs are not eligible for funding.

Submitted projects should be sent by February 27, 2022 via the form on the Charles University website: https://ec.cuni.cz/ECEN-104.html

The results of the competition will be announced in mid-March 2022. The awarded funds should be distributed by November 30, 2022.

Please contact the WGSR Research Initiative Support Section, or contact Charles University directly at 4euplus@cuni.cz, tel: +420 224 491 578

More info: https://ec.cuni.cz/ECEN-104.html

Posted in News archive.