Welcome to the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies. We are very glad, that you are interested in our offer.
We offer a branch of courses which include socio-economic, physical and regional geography issues. Geographical Information Systems are also included in the Erasmus+ lecture programme.
We hope you will choose our Faculty for your Erasmus+ experience. We believe that your stay will be successful and fruitful!
Detailed information for students who want to apply for the Erasmus studies are available on the website of International Relations Office: http://bwz.uw.edu.pl/en/; http://bwz.uw.edu.pl/en/incoming-students
- Application for the Erasmus studies. The recruitment for the Erasmus studies is organized on the central level: http://bwz.uw.edu.pl/en/incoming-students
- All accepted incoming students receive the information about nomination for the studies at University of Warsaw from International Relations Office.
- Incoming students need to have Learning Agreement signed by three parties (Erasmus Coordinator from home university, Erasmus Coordinator from the main Faculty at host University and own signature).
- Having Learning Agreement signed does not equal enrollment for the courses – each nominated student has to enroll (register) himself for the selected courses through USOS system.
- General information for foreign students interested in studying at UW: link
- Detailed information for foreign students interested in undertaking Erasmus studies: http://en.bwz.uw.edu.pl/incoming/
- Welcome Point UW – here you will find practical information important for organization of your stay
- USOSweb – University Study-Oriented System – electronic system, where you can find information about all courses at University of Warsaw (including courses for international students) and register for them.
- ECTS course catalogue at University of Warsaw: link
Paulina Pokojska, Ph.D.
OFFICE HOURS in winter semester 23/24 (untill 18 February) – room 305
- Monday 10.00-11.00
- Wednesday 10.00-11.00
Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, room 305
e-mail: erasmus.wgsr@uw.edu.pl
phone: +48 22 55 20 668